Our Guiding Principles

At Bromley School we have developed 8 Guiding Principles. These have evolved through our exploration of a Reggio Inspired approach, our use of digital technology and our understanding of best practice.
We first looked at Reggio Emilia about seven years ago, We were excited by the way these principles may be adapted into a New Zealand primary school setting and in particular, ours. Through those years we have explored and reflected on how these principles look in our setting until we are now at the stage where we have 8 Guiding Principles that underpin the Bromley Way.

These Principles are:
Authenticity-Putting the student at the centre of everything. Using contexts that are part of the child's natural environment and experiences.
Image of the Child-Understanding that the child has a natural sense of wonder and curiosity. They are capable of great things.
Community Partnerships- Relationships are at the heart of all we do. Knowing and involving the people who make up our diverse learning community and their whanau.
Space- Creating attractive, flexible learning environments including the natural environment and knowing how to use these effectively.
The 100 Languages- Understanding that children express their own thoughts and feelings in many ways and are active in constructing meaning about the world around them.
Projects- Provocations allow to learn through a combination of connected themes and student initiated inquiries.
The Power of When- Avoiding being rushed and being flexible with the way we use time.
Visible Learning- Documenting learning in many ways, sharing student voice and informing future directions for learning.

Our goal as a staff is to ensure that these principles are embedded into our programmes of learning in classrooms,  in the wider school context, as children and as adults.

Many of these concepts have become part of the wider conversations in education about modern learning or preparing our children for the future. We have chosen these as we believe that this is how we want to do things and how we want things to be around here!


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